Category: Journal

  • Monday, April 22nd, 2024

    Worked on an AI feature for Chatmeter that I’m hoping can be demoed tomorrow. It’s a little flimsy still and needs polish but Product wants to demo it anyway. Assembled a bunch of furniture. Met with lawyers for damage assessment. I sleep now.

  • Sunday, April 21st, 2024

    Most of today was spent cleaning. After the flood, our back and front yards became a mess of dirt, mud and weeds. Even though most of the interior of the house is “done”, many things are still completely covered in dust, so we can’t move into our main bedroom yet. So for now, we’re still…

  • Saturday, April 20th, 2024

    The Mongols came. They started a war for the Ghurid Empire. I lost. All that effort for nothing. I hate Crusader Kings. Tragic.

  • Friday, April 19th, 2024

    Had a nice little date night today with Liza. Went to FruitCraft for Tacos and Cocktails. Now we’re binge watching Shogun in anticipation of the finale. Fiber Club certificates have been renewed. Continuing to work on the designer portal now. Great strides on the social project at Chatmeter. Can’t really talk much about it here.…

  • Thursday, April 18th, 2024

    Today was fun. I was able to roll out an idea I had for career development. Those discussions are always hard to navigate. It’s hard to tell people when they’re not meeting expectations, or when I think they’re doing great but I can’t promise them a title or more money. However, I think this was…

  • Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

    Very tired today. The interior house work is officially done today. It should feel like a relief, but the notary public just came to the house today so I could sign loans for money that I need for even more house work outside. So it doesn’t feel like a win. It just feels like the…

  • Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

    Yesterday was a busy day. Spent most of my day reading through all the code my team produced during the week I was out. That ended up taking longer than I thought, but I think it was time well spent. I was able to figure out who is doing well, who is struggling, and who…

  • Monday, April 15th, 2024

    Why is it so hard to find a good KVM switch? I ended up staying until midnight last night because I was looking for a KVM switch that could handle two M2 Macbook Pros and a gaming PC with two 4k displays at 60Hz. Apparently, this doesn’t exist or I have to use more dongles.…

  • Sunday, April 14th, 2024

    Trying, for the nth time, to restart a writing habit. I’ve previously found it’s hard to keep up with this habit due to my busy schedule, but I don’t know, I’m feeling optimistic this time. Since January 22nd, life has been hectic since the flood. A lot of my regular habits, such as working on…