Sunday, April 28th, 2024

It’s very nice outside. Today, I’m thinking I will focus on relaxing. It’s been a little stressful these days and I have a general feeling of anxiety today. I think it’s a mixture of feeling like I’m not doing enough for my grandmother and the fact that I had to add so much debt to fix the house. Both of those items are getting addressed, though.

I need to sign an date the contract to fix the house exterior and also get back to the lawyers with all the damage assessment documents they need. I also will finally get around to making that LinkedIn post and following some more people I was recommended. I want to add more Korean cards and finish a Tailwind course. Speaking of that, that Tailwind course was a worthwhile investment in time. I thought I would get nothing out of it because I could read the docs and figure things out on my own, but seeing an expert go through 6 real-world examples gave me a feel for how Tailwind styling can be organized in more complex projects.

I’m on call until Tuesday. I had a small alert Saturday. It was nothing to be concerned about. I did feel a little confused last week over the changes to the On-Call rotation. Nobody told me that I was supposed to be the “Primary” on call. Found out halfway through the rotation.

Anyway, that’s it for now. I’m going to go post to LinkedIn now.