Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Hackathon end.

I wasn’t even trying in it, but somehow I was 2nd place at one point, and I think I’ll end up in 3rd place? Dunno. The prizes are $100, $50, and $25 gift cards. It’s alright but the prize is not a motivator for me.

What is exciting is today’s footy matches. I’m particularly excited for Toluca vs Chivas. Diablos is not exactly favorite, but after a really long stretch of being a shit team (years and years) defeating Chivas at Akron would be great. But it’s probably not going to happen because all the teams I root for lose.

Spent some time fixing some flaky e2e tests for Fiber Club. Annoying things, but necessary. The main flaky one involves a redirect upon login. Login is one of those things where if it doesn’t work people become unreasonable so I have some tests around that, but the problem is that when using the free GitHub runners, their performance is slow. I added a timeout for the tests of 10 seconds. On my laptop, it completes in under a second. You get what you pay for, I suppose.